Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays from all of us at!

To send a $Ticket gift to an existing GameColony player, send a request to Contact Us a indicating the player name, the number of Tickets to transfer and indicate that you agree to pay a 2 Ticket transfer fee. 

All transfer fees are waived for Christmas-time gifts! 

To send a $Ticket gift to someone who is not yet a GameColony player, use the link below:


  1. Happy upcoming holidays to all game colony players! I personally enjoy the game selecton, software and level of competition from other gc players. Feel free to challenge me at cribbage or gin! I welcome the challenge! - astub1975

  2. Happy holidays astub1975! I hope other players will take you up on your offer!

  3. That's awsome that you can send tickets for the holidays

  4. Happy holidays and thanks to Gamecolony for the 25 ticket bonus I just received for winning a Holiday Appreciation BG tournament.

  5. i am so addicted to this site i cannnot wait to recieve holiday ticket thankyou
